Well, anyhow...
Hey, it's fall, right? That's cool.
Of course, the start of autumn in the South means a cessation of full-on summer, but not yet the arrival of cool, crisp days, nor the return of frosty, enchanted evenings. Nope, the early fall in the South is more about the decline and end of one season than it is about the start of another. Early fall in the South is really late summer, in the same way that late spring is really early summer. True fall (leaves, wood smoke, cider, pumpkins, crazy blue skies, banjos - yes, banjos: autumn is the most bluegrassy time of the year) is still better than a month away. But, hey, it's not 90 degrees, there's a chill on the breeze, and there are giant bags of Halloween candy in the stores, so we'll take what we can get.